Sometimes, it’s hard to discern if your truly have a baby with infant colic, or simply a high-maintenance infant. Infant colic is often defined by the “Rule of Threes.” A colicky baby who seems otherwise healthy and well-fed; but has episodes of crying, irritability and fussiness that:
- Begin within the first three weeks of life
- Last up to or more than three hours a day
- Occur at least three or more days a week
- Continue for at least three weeks
- Disappear at about three months of age.
Colicky infants often seem unresponsive to attempts by their caretaker at typical soothing. Other symptoms of a baby with colic include drawing up their legs, passing gas, sleeplessness and a red face. Most colic outbursts occur primarily in the early evening.
Consider the questions below. Does your baby:
- Eat well and seem to be thriving?
- Produce 5-8 very wet diapers each day?
- Produce a normal stool?
- Have extended periods of time with no crying?
If you answered yes to the above questions, and your baby exhibits symptoms of colic AND follows the “Rule of Threes”, don’t despair. There are steps you can take to soothe your colicky baby.